Have you had your fucking coffee?

Coffees has been excellent companion from the school days. Those sleepless board exams nights seemed so better when accompanied with strong filter coffees with extra sugar.

Caffaine always boosted my mood, either it be period cramps or a spouse fight, worse having a headache, best staying late night for a book.

I like my coffee black , more than starbucks or those rich ones you get in Mc’s and cafes , 2rs BRU my mother buy me or 750 nescafe comes in small cute glass bottles tasted the best

I coudnt afford and was so much in love with hot chochlates after Harry Potter movies, so coffees filled right in. I imagned my coffee being hot chochlate kids and teens carry in Hollywood movies and sipped it with pride.

From being fifteen to twenty seven had taught me anything better, worthier, its sugerless coffees tatsted better than more than 3 spoons of ones I use to had. Sugar  looks white, soothing and tastes better but who would imagine little of these will kill you eventually like some relationships. I’m jokeing….ok I am not
So people and sugar will look good on you when u have a very little once in a while of your whole damn life

Enjoy your coffees people.

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